Berno zenenhundų veislynas Agros lobis įkurtas 2012 metais. Žodis veislynas mums nereiškia atskiros komercinės veiklos, tai mūsų šunys, mūsų šeimos nariai, tik vaikštantys keturiomis kojomis :)
Veisime vadovaujamės principu "pirmiausia - sveikata", kad ir kaip džiaugiamės, kai mūsų šunys ar išveisti šuniukai laimi parodose, bet svarbiausia, kad jie sveiki ir džiugina savo šeimininkus.
Parinkdami poras kergimui, atsižvelgiame į abiejų tėvų požymius, stengiamės nedubliuoti trūkumų. Nesivaikome "meškos" tipažo, Berno zenenhundas, kaip numatyta standarte, - stiprus bet vikrus darbinis šuo, padedantis ūkyje.
Mūsų šuniukai gyvena tiek Lietuvoje, tiek nemažai jų iškeliauja į artimą ar tolimą užsienį.
Veislynas registruotas FCI, LKD ir VMVT.
Veisime vadovaujamės principu "pirmiausia - sveikata", kad ir kaip džiaugiamės, kai mūsų šunys ar išveisti šuniukai laimi parodose, bet svarbiausia, kad jie sveiki ir džiugina savo šeimininkus.
Parinkdami poras kergimui, atsižvelgiame į abiejų tėvų požymius, stengiamės nedubliuoti trūkumų. Nesivaikome "meškos" tipažo, Berno zenenhundas, kaip numatyta standarte, - stiprus bet vikrus darbinis šuo, padedantis ūkyje.
Mūsų šuniukai gyvena tiek Lietuvoje, tiek nemažai jų iškeliauja į artimą ar tolimą užsienį.
Veislynas registruotas FCI, LKD ir VMVT.
Our aim is a healthy Bernese Mountain Dog having easy movements in a highest possible native type corresponding to the standard. We seek naturalness in everything – natural copulation, natural feeding of the bitch and puppies, environment natural for the breed – house in a rural area, family with children, other domestic animals. We believe these conditions helps produce well socialized, as well as physically and mentally healthy dog. When planning a litter we look for the best match of a bitch and a dog trying not to duplicate faults and find the healthiest pedigree with long-living ancestry. We are not after massive heads and “bear” bones – Bernese mountain dog has to be strong and agile, harmonious and well balanced. My education in Biology and Zoology helps me understand the underground of the health and breed features. We are glad to get “excellent” at dog shows but this is not the most important issue in everyday life with a dog being your friend. We are really happy when our puppy finds a loving family and gives many years of joy to them.
Much attention is paid to the socialisation of puppies, so we introduce them to as many different situations, people, items, sounds, animals as we can. That's not difficult as we are the family with three little children and keep goats, chickens, ducks in our farm, not to mention several cats living here as well :)
We are proud that our puppies are living both in Lithuania and abroad.
The kennel name is registered within FCI. The kennel is included in the list of subjects to public veterinary control in Lithuania.
Much attention is paid to the socialisation of puppies, so we introduce them to as many different situations, people, items, sounds, animals as we can. That's not difficult as we are the family with three little children and keep goats, chickens, ducks in our farm, not to mention several cats living here as well :)
We are proud that our puppies are living both in Lithuania and abroad.
The kennel name is registered within FCI. The kennel is included in the list of subjects to public veterinary control in Lithuania.